Friday, August 31, 2007

Sunday, August 26, 2007


digital libraries seems to be one of the developing technology in the field of information science. Actually what are these digital libraries? some explains it as Library without walls, some explains it as Virtual these are the concept of digital libraries? Digital libraries are libraries where information sources are generated, in a specific format. Then a question arrises what is the difference between a digital library and an internet? just think of internet-it also supplies information. Is it in an organised manner? Their comes the difference between an internet and digital libraries.In Digital libraries sources are generated in a specific format in an organised manner, which obeys Ranganathans law of information science "save the time of the reader"-Thats what an information seeker is also expecting. Thinking more is" digitalisation same as that of automation" ? Automation can be defined as the daily routine works done in a library with the help of computers. In automation, generation of information sources its retreival is not taking place. By understanding library automation, internet, the idea behind a Digital library is clear.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

New Services offered by libraries

Telephone reference service is a service offered by newyork public library system.if suitable conditions are there most of the academic libraries can adopt this service.